Good Dating App Photos

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(Last Updated On: 04/30/2017)

There are four very common types of dating app photos that you should never post on any dating site or dating app, as they will always lower your social value or will make you look downright lame, especially in the eye of the more discerning viewer – someone how care not only about how you look but also about what your photos say about who you are.

Good Dating App Photos

It's really a good idea for you to go through their dating profile or dating app photos and make sure that you don't have any of the above three types of photos posted. This is especially important if you want to attract the attention of higher quality people – the ones who are pickier and are looking for some substance behind the pictures. Dating site looking for marriage. With that in mind, here are the best (and OK-est) dating apps to try out. My recommendations are based primarily on my own dating-app experiences as a woman. Make of that what you will.

  1. Data scientists from New York-based dating app, Hinge, analysed the photos of 1,000 people to reveal what profile pictures get the most likes. The results differed for men and women.
  2. Available in 190 countries, it's the most popular dating app in the US. If you live in a large city, the potential dating pool is huge – the app claims to produce 26 million matches every day. Because Tinder is location based and 76% of users live in urban areas, your odds of finding a match significantly decrease in smaller, rural cities.

1. Selfies

This girl is undeniably cure, but … what does this type of photo say about her?

Some people talk about which selfies are good and which aren't. I don't think there is such a thing is a good selfie. A photo of you where you are holding a camera with your hand close to your face is never a good picture. You should not be posting selfies not only on dating sites but anywhere else either, and this includes Facebook. The only reason I can think of to ever take a selfie is when you want to say hello to someone, you take a quite shot spontaneously, and you send it to them. However, there is no reason to ever post a selfie publicly, because they are never flattering. It takes a minimal amount of effort to ask someone to take a normal picture of you, or, when all else fails, use a tripod and a timer function on your camera to take the right type of photo. There is no reason for you not to have 'normal' pictures. Bathroom mirror selfies are ever worse than regularly selfies, and unless you are a 14 year-old girl who experiments with her sex appeal, you should never even think about taking a picture in front of a bathroom mirror.

2. Gym / Fitness / Yoga Photos

A beautiful photo, but so overused and unoriginal.

Gym photos make you look lame, no matter what you look like. If you are ripped guy, it makes you look like a self-absorbed, fitness obsessed narcissist, especially if you pose shirtless. If you are out of shape, then you will look even more unattractive if you are standing at a gym. If you are an attractive woman, a gym photo will attract the wrong type of attention. And if you are out of shape, then it's going to be a turn off. Also, the gym background in a photo doesn't exactly add anything interesting or unique. It can look kind of depressing, suggesting that you spend way too much time at a gym. TRX , Crossfit and spin class photos are no better. And yoga pose photos have been soooooo overused, that they also look lame. If you want to make it a point that you are active, you can just mention in your profile that you like to work out and leave it at that. Save the details for later for those people you actually met and get to know. The people who are looking at your profile are not looking for a work-out buddy, so you don't have to convince them that you love going to the gym.


3. 'Indiana Jones' Photos

Many people post photos of themselves standing in a very exotic remote location or hanging off some cliff, or wearing a scuba diving gear or skydiving. This has all become too cliche and unoriginal, because everyone is doing this. I will also let you in on a little 'secret' – snowboarding or scuba diving grear is not the most flattering look for a woman. But, if you really want to post something like this, limit it to one or may be two photos, but not more.

4. 'Seductive' Pictures


Any photos with duck lips or any type of seductive pose or bedroom facial expression will necessarily make you look lame. And if you are a woman who thinks that posting a very suggesting picture is flattering to you and will get you the right type of attention from men online, just watch the amount of dirty messages and comments you get. Women who post borderline soft-porn pictures and who complain about the rude messages they get from guys always puzzled me. If you work so hard to invite this type of attention, why would you expect anything else. And if you are craving attention from anyone and everyone, then be honest about it, at least with yourself.

And any guy who is flexing muscles in front of a mirror is guaranteed to have any half decent woman roll her yes.

It's really a good idea for you to go through their dating profile or dating app photos and make sure that you don't have any of the above three types of photos posted. This is especially important if you want to attract the attention of higher quality people – the ones who are pickier and are looking for some substance behind the pictures.

There's a subtle art to crafting the perfect dating app profile. You want to present the best version of yourself, but you also want to look relatable enough that people will want to know more about you. It's not an easy balance to strike. If you're wondering how to choose dating app photos that aren't overly curated, awkward, or embarrassing, you're not alone. Should you use that selfie you took during golden hour last week? Your work company headshot? Your latest Tik-Tok dancing video?

Best Photos For Online Dating

Saskia Nelson, founder of Hey Saturday, knows a thing or two about selecting great dating app photos. Her business specializes in helping people take photos for their dating app profile that represent their truest selves. 'We live in a visual world, and great visual content is the primary thing that drives engagement,' Nelson tells Elite Daily. 'The main goal, when it comes to swiping, is to engage people with your dating profile. If you create it using good images, you'll massively increase the number of visits to your profile, which in turn will lead to more quality dates. It's a win-win.'

Good Dating App Photos

It's really a good idea for you to go through their dating profile or dating app photos and make sure that you don't have any of the above three types of photos posted. This is especially important if you want to attract the attention of higher quality people – the ones who are pickier and are looking for some substance behind the pictures. Dating site looking for marriage. With that in mind, here are the best (and OK-est) dating apps to try out. My recommendations are based primarily on my own dating-app experiences as a woman. Make of that what you will.

  1. Data scientists from New York-based dating app, Hinge, analysed the photos of 1,000 people to reveal what profile pictures get the most likes. The results differed for men and women.
  2. Available in 190 countries, it's the most popular dating app in the US. If you live in a large city, the potential dating pool is huge – the app claims to produce 26 million matches every day. Because Tinder is location based and 76% of users live in urban areas, your odds of finding a match significantly decrease in smaller, rural cities.

1. Selfies

This girl is undeniably cure, but … what does this type of photo say about her?

Some people talk about which selfies are good and which aren't. I don't think there is such a thing is a good selfie. A photo of you where you are holding a camera with your hand close to your face is never a good picture. You should not be posting selfies not only on dating sites but anywhere else either, and this includes Facebook. The only reason I can think of to ever take a selfie is when you want to say hello to someone, you take a quite shot spontaneously, and you send it to them. However, there is no reason to ever post a selfie publicly, because they are never flattering. It takes a minimal amount of effort to ask someone to take a normal picture of you, or, when all else fails, use a tripod and a timer function on your camera to take the right type of photo. There is no reason for you not to have 'normal' pictures. Bathroom mirror selfies are ever worse than regularly selfies, and unless you are a 14 year-old girl who experiments with her sex appeal, you should never even think about taking a picture in front of a bathroom mirror.

2. Gym / Fitness / Yoga Photos

A beautiful photo, but so overused and unoriginal.

Gym photos make you look lame, no matter what you look like. If you are ripped guy, it makes you look like a self-absorbed, fitness obsessed narcissist, especially if you pose shirtless. If you are out of shape, then you will look even more unattractive if you are standing at a gym. If you are an attractive woman, a gym photo will attract the wrong type of attention. And if you are out of shape, then it's going to be a turn off. Also, the gym background in a photo doesn't exactly add anything interesting or unique. It can look kind of depressing, suggesting that you spend way too much time at a gym. TRX , Crossfit and spin class photos are no better. And yoga pose photos have been soooooo overused, that they also look lame. If you want to make it a point that you are active, you can just mention in your profile that you like to work out and leave it at that. Save the details for later for those people you actually met and get to know. The people who are looking at your profile are not looking for a work-out buddy, so you don't have to convince them that you love going to the gym.

3. 'Indiana Jones' Photos

Many people post photos of themselves standing in a very exotic remote location or hanging off some cliff, or wearing a scuba diving gear or skydiving. This has all become too cliche and unoriginal, because everyone is doing this. I will also let you in on a little 'secret' – snowboarding or scuba diving grear is not the most flattering look for a woman. But, if you really want to post something like this, limit it to one or may be two photos, but not more.

4. 'Seductive' Pictures

Any photos with duck lips or any type of seductive pose or bedroom facial expression will necessarily make you look lame. And if you are a woman who thinks that posting a very suggesting picture is flattering to you and will get you the right type of attention from men online, just watch the amount of dirty messages and comments you get. Women who post borderline soft-porn pictures and who complain about the rude messages they get from guys always puzzled me. If you work so hard to invite this type of attention, why would you expect anything else. And if you are craving attention from anyone and everyone, then be honest about it, at least with yourself.

And any guy who is flexing muscles in front of a mirror is guaranteed to have any half decent woman roll her yes.

It's really a good idea for you to go through their dating profile or dating app photos and make sure that you don't have any of the above three types of photos posted. This is especially important if you want to attract the attention of higher quality people – the ones who are pickier and are looking for some substance behind the pictures.

There's a subtle art to crafting the perfect dating app profile. You want to present the best version of yourself, but you also want to look relatable enough that people will want to know more about you. It's not an easy balance to strike. If you're wondering how to choose dating app photos that aren't overly curated, awkward, or embarrassing, you're not alone. Should you use that selfie you took during golden hour last week? Your work company headshot? Your latest Tik-Tok dancing video?

Best Photos For Online Dating

Saskia Nelson, founder of Hey Saturday, knows a thing or two about selecting great dating app photos. Her business specializes in helping people take photos for their dating app profile that represent their truest selves. 'We live in a visual world, and great visual content is the primary thing that drives engagement,' Nelson tells Elite Daily. 'The main goal, when it comes to swiping, is to engage people with your dating profile. If you create it using good images, you'll massively increase the number of visits to your profile, which in turn will lead to more quality dates. It's a win-win.'

To help you get more matches and feel more confident, Nelson provided her best insider tips for choosing your dating app profile photos. It's easier than you'd think — start by being yourself. Big men dating site.

'Great dating photos attract attention, but authentic ones keep it,' Nelson says. 'It's really critical to use photos that are representative of who you are now.' Unfortunately, catfishing is a real phenomenon many people experience on dating apps, and it's not a good strategy for success. 'Deceiving someone with your profile photos to get them out on a first date is not going to end well,' she says. 'You're just not going to get a second date, no matter how fun, smart, or cool you actually are.' Instead, choose photos that actually look like you in person.

Best Photos For Dating App

Even if it's a great photo of you, a chaotic background can be distracting. 'Choose a background that either adds bold color, tells people more about you, or is just so simple, its role is just to showcase you,' Nelson says. That's not to say your dating app profile pics should look sterile and boring like your LinkedIn headshot. Nelson suggests taking photos near street art, your favorite cafe, pop-up shops, art galleries, or anywhere that will add a pop of color.

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